Inner Threat
Tom R. Harper
Sequel to Through Colored Glasses
Release date: Sept. 23, 2022
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? — James 4:1, NIV
In this sequel to Through Colored Glasses, Hal Perrone achieves his life’s dream of becoming a CEO. But in his first week on the job, a criminal act within the company throws the entire organization into chaos.
Hal suddenly finds himself a prime target of FBI Special Agent Maria Castellano, who relentlessly pursues justice and names numerous employees, investors, and vendors as additional suspects. Widespread panic drives many of them to desperately defend their innocence.
Written in the page-turning style of a corporate thriller, Inner Threat explores sin’s insidious impact in the workplace. Author Tom Harper reveals in the afterword how leaders can resist the dark reality Paul describes in Romans 7:21 — “Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me.”
Whether you lead in the marketplace, the church, or any type of organization, this book will equip you for the internal battle every leader must wage.
Endorsements for Through Colored Glasses
Leaders lead people, not organizations. Tom Harper brings this out brilliantly in his new book, Through Colored Glasses. This engaging, contextual leadership parable will enlighten you about what happens behind the scenes, when people attempt to lead others.
Understanding and defining reality requires leaders to be truth seekers and tellers. This book illustrates the power of truth and the spiritual insight that the Bible provides to guide leadership.
Infusing Patrick Lencioni’s leadership fable motif with marketplace discipleship, Tom Harper’s Through Colored Glasses encourages business leaders who follow Christ to realize their impact at work. A weary CEO, a mutinous CFO, a consultant, and a praying manager meet at the intersection of faith and corporate America, demonstrating how biblical witness is effective even in difficult places.
In his intriguing book, Through Colored Glasses: How Great Leaders Reveal Reality, Tom Harper presents a fable that is sure to capture your imagination while prompting serious thoughts about your effectiveness as a leader. Your philosophy and practice of leadership will never be the same.
In Tom Harper's latest book, Through Colored Glasses, his fast-paced parable takes you into the leadership struggles men and women face every day. You witness the strongholds of pride and fear and how the sin of both distorts thinking and doing. But God knows the motivation of the heart and always presents a way home. Truly a perfect book for anyone in leadership as it has the power to both encourage and convict.
Tom Harper has taken an easy-to-read leadership fable and not only helped us with leadership, he turned it into a powerful teaching about life.
Leading people can be tough work, especially when we don’t know their motives, beliefs, and biases. Tom’s book is a clever tale that delivers a profound lesson. You’ll not only be engaged by the easy-to-read story, but you’ll gain new insights on how to understand the people you’re called to lead.
If our leaders are not passionately driven by the right beliefs, we are headed for disaster. At the same time, if believers cannot lead, we are headed nowhere. In his book, Through Colored Glasses, Tom Harper mixes right beliefs and leadership skill. His thoughtful, engaging presentation of biblical leadership is a sorely needed message for Christians in leadership positions both in the workplace and in the church.
Tom Harper combines story, time-tested principles, and innovative ideas to help leaders see and conquer tomorrow’s challenges. You will be absorbed by the fast-paced story and biblical insights that can transform your leadership.
The Holy Scriptures provide timeless principles on leadership. In his book Through Colored Glasses, Tom Harper brings those biblical principles to life in a moving parable that illustrates the power of humility in leadership and the impact of turning your business over to God.
Story is a powerful way to convey deep spiritual truths that we can relate to on a personal level. In this book, you will find yourself identifying with the struggles of Leo and those in his life as he wrestles with decisions we’ve all faced. A great read with important spiritual principles to glean. Well done, Tom! I highly recommend every leader read this book!
Tom Harper has written a brilliant modern-day parable. Through Colored Glasses will take you on an adventure of virtue and vice, morality and manipulation. This intriguing fable masterfully yields up the truth gradually and gently until your heart hungers for more of God’s ways. At the end of the book, discussion starters, poignant questions and scriptural context assist you in finding biblical answers for your own leadership challenges.
Through Colored Glasses: How Great Leaders Reveal Reality
An Interview With Author Tom Harper
About the Author

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Tom Harper is CEO of Networld Media Group and publisher of, a free online source of encouragement, tips and how-to for leaders seeking to apply biblical principles in their daily lives. He is the author of Inner Threat: Combatting Christian Leadership’s Natural Enemy (DeepWater Books, 2022), Servant Leader Strong: Uniting Biblical Wisdom and High-Performance Leadership (DeepWater, 2019) and Through Colored Glasses: How Great Leaders Reveal Reality (DeepWater, 2018). Tom attends Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky. with his wife and three children.